
Ph.D.                  The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Dissertation: Occupy Performance: Participatory Aesthetics and the Labor of Failed Emancipation

M.A.                  New York University Gallatin School of Individualized Study Concentration: Performance Studies
Thesis: Poor Theatre: Trauma and the Simulacrum

Certificate          American Conservatory Theatre M.F.A. Advanced Training Program
of Completion    Concentration: Acting and Performance (three years)

B.A.                   Tufts University, Concentration: English major, Philosophy minor, cum laude.

Theatre History, Avant-garde Theory, Community Performance, Critical Theory, Philosophy and Performance, Acting and Directing, Devised Performance, Performance Studies, Contemporary and 20th Century Theatre, Post-Modern Drama and Performance, Dramatic Criticism, Script and Performance Analysis, Academic and Creative Composition and Writing Skills, M.A. Thesis Preparation.


Journal Articles, Book Chapters, and Review Essays:

“Wired: ‘Men Against Fire’ and the Revolution in Military Affairs”. Invited article in Supernatural Studies, peer- reviewed online and published journal. Special issue on Black Mirror. (April, 2018)

“Participatory Performance, Activism, and the Limits of Change”. Invited essay in Howlround, online journal.
Special section on environmental performance. (May, 2017)

“Living Through Resistance at the Theatre” Invited 5,000-word essay in Theatre (Yale School of Drama), special section on participatory theatre, (October 2013).
“Artificial Hells by Claire Bishop”. Invited book review in The Drama Review (Johns Hopkins Press), October 2013. “Let Our Freak Flags Fly: DreamWorks Theatricals and the Branding of Diversity,” Peer-reviewed
article co-authored with David Savran and others. Theatre Journal, Vol. 62, No. 2 (May 2010); 151-172 (Association for Theatre in Higher Education).

“Up the Union!’” Invited performance review of Pig Iron Theatre Company in the Philadelphia Theatre Festival PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art, Vol. 31.1 (Jan. 2009); 129-132 (Johns Hopkins University Press).

Articles in Progress

“Teaching the Subject” Feature article on theatre for social change work with survivors of sex and labor trafficking in Dhaka, Bangladesh; forthcoming.

Conference Papers and Presentations

“No Surrender: Failure and Vision” Performance Studies International, Working Group on War and Performance, Stanford University (June, 2013)
“Mall Wars: The Army Experience Center” – American Society for Theatre Research, Working Group on War and Performance, Seattle (November, 2010)
“The Performing Archives of Victor Cartagena” – American Society for Theatre Research, Scenography Working Group, Boston (November, 2008)
“The Theatre of Memory of Giulio Camillo” American Society for Theatre Research, Scenography Panel, Phoenix (November, 2007)


Resident Artist-Researcher, NYU (Environmental Health Clinic; Natalie Jeremijenko Pedagogical Development Scholar, CCNY
Graduate Teaching Fellow – City College, New York
Magic Theatre commission/Alfred P. Sloan New Science Play award. Drama League New Directors/New Works award.
Pew Charitable Trust / T.C.G. National Theatre Artist Residency Award Walter and Elise Haas Creative Work Fund Award
2 Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle Awards TCG/NEA Directing Fellow
Grants awarded from: California Arts Council, Flintridge Foundation, Zellerbach Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, S.F. Grants for the Arts, S.F. Arts Commission, Pew Charitable Trust

University of Alaska Anchorage and Fairbanks/National Association of Teachers of Singing
                   Acting Master Classes for students and professors
                   Instruction in Viewpoints, Improvisation, and Physical Theatre
 University of New Mexico Theatre and Dance       Theatre History – full year sequence
Texas Tech Honors College
Theatre and War, freshman seminar
Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA, Visiting Assistant Professor Introduction to Theatre
Dramatic Literature – Medieval to 18th c. Basic and Intermediate Acting

Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, Adjunct Lecturer Core 152 Challenges of Modernity
Required seminar, part of Colgate Core Curriculum
Colgate Children’s Theatre: “Tales from the Panchatantra,” original adaptation and direction. Acting 1

CUNY School of Professional Studies, NYC, Adjunct Lecturer, MA Program in Applied Theatre MA Thesis Preparation: Research methodologies in Action Research
MA Thesis Preparation for students in Applied Theatre

Lehman College/Kingsborough Community College, Adjunct Instructor Theatre History, 18th and 19th Century
Introduction to Theatre

City College, New York, Graduate Teaching Fellow Acting 1
Theatre History 1, 2, and 3
Survey courses of major trends and historical approaches to World Theatre Introduction to Theatre
Performance Workshop director –original ensemble production featuring City College undergraduates.

College of Staten Island, Adjunct Instructor
Acting 1

Wagner College, Adjunct Instructor
Script Analysis –Survey of Western Dramatic Literature Public Speaking – Introductory Course

New York University, Tisch School of the Arts, G.A.Instructor
Avant-garde Theatre: Sellars and LeCompte. Upper-level seminar, assistant-taught with dramaturg Norm Frisch, examining theories of the historical and contemporary avant-gardes.
San Francisco State University, Department of Theatre, Adjunct Instructor
Directing Studio A practical and theoretical course covering major twentieth century theories of directing and the role of the director across a wide range of theatrical contexts. Also, practical exercises in original performance composition and scene study.

University of California, Santa Cruz, Dept of Theatre, Adjunct Instructor, Directing Studio – See above

Additional Practical Theatre Teaching Experience:
Shakespeare Walla Walla, Education Director/Development Officer American Conservatory Theatre, Acting Instructor
Taught acting techniques, Shakespearean acting, improvisation and audition techniques

Independent Acting Coach and Directing Instructor– Viewpoints, Composition, Ensemble Approaches

K – 12

Project Director/Instructor, California Shakespeare Festival
Directed productions of Love’s Labor’s Lost and The Winter’s Tale for high-school apprentice and intern companies; acting, voice and movement instruction.

Instructor, American Conservatory Theatre Studio
Taught courses in acting, improvisation and audition techniques for high school students of the California Shakespeare conservatory.


NYU Environmental Health xClinic Screen Actors Guild (SAG)
Actors Equity Association (AEA)
American Federation of Television and Radio Artistes (AFTRA) American Society of Theatre Researchers
Association for Theatre in Higher Education /Performance Studies International


DTSA Student Conference Plenary Speaker, Booth Award presenter Williamsburg Performance Alliance, founding member
Theatre Bay Area Theatre Panel, SF, Ca. Intersection for the Arts Consortium, SF, Ca.


Managing Editor – PAJ, a journal of art and performance: Responsible for copy and proof editing, author and publisher communications, layout and editorial and general assistant to Founder/Editor Bonnie Marranca.

Copy Editor – Martin E. Segal Center – Graduate Center – CUNY: book editor and layout designer for recent publications of plays.

General Manager – Here Arts Center: Responsible for development planning, budgeting and contractual oversight.
Working closely with Artistic Director Kristin Marting and Executive Producer Kim Whitener on project management of HERE’s renovation. Co-producing the American Living Room Festival.

Proofreader for J.P. Morgan Chase; F.I.M.S. weekly financial journal.

The Drama League, Development Officer: Responsible for all grant writing and foundation,


The Fifth Floor San Francisco/New York – as Founder/Artistic Director Gone by Charles Mee at Prelude Festival – CUNY; 59E59 Theatres K., or The Future’s So Green; (writer/director); HERE Arts
Pierre Rivere, devised by the company; Intersection for the Arts Summertime by Charles Mee WORLD PREMIERE – Magic Theatre Remoteness of the Goal by Kenn Watt; original film; 848/Counterpulse Dr. Faustus Lights the Lights by Gertrude Stein; Intersection for the Arts
Bakesale; devised by the company (Black Box Award) – Intersection for the Arts
Scenes from an Execution by Howard Barker; Brava/Eureka Theatre
Orestes by Charles Mee (Drama-Logue Awards for Best Director and Best Production; Bay Area Theatre Critic’s Award for Best Production and Best Ensemble)
Home Rule devised by the company; ACT Studio Theatre

Magic Theatre (San Francisco) as Associate Artist/Associate Artistic Director
Schrodinger’s Girlfriend by Matthew Wells
Summertime by Charles Mee
Waiting Room Germany by Klaus Pohl
Ted Kaczynski Killed People With Bombs; Magic Theatre - San Francisco, CA
The Red Address by David Ives
Nebraska by Keith Reddin

Additional Regional Credits
The Winter’s Tale – Shakespeare Walla Walla, WA
1,000 Cracks – Company SoGoNo – New York, NY
This is It. This is Lemnos (writer/director) – Company SoGoNo/Temple University – Phila, PA Soho Rep Writers/Directors Lab – New York, NY
The Bacchae 2.1 by Charles Mee; Rude Mechanicals/Flea Theatre – New York, NY
Decreation: Fight Cherries by Anne Carson/Guillermo Galindo (world premiere opera) – SF, CA
Marisol by Jose Rivera - Eureka Theatre Company – San Francisco, CA
Uncle Vanya, Perseverance Theatre – Juneau, AK
Merchant of Venice, American Conservatory Theater, A.T.P. – San Francisco, CA
Measure for Measure, American Conservatory Theater, A.T.P. – San Francisco, CA

The Persians by Aeschylus; Salzburg Festival – Salzburg, Austria Assistant Director for Peter Sellars
Orphee by Philip Glass/Jean Cocteau - American Repertory Theatre – Cambridge, MA Assistant Director for Francesca Zambello
Picnic by William Inge; Actors Theatre of Louisville – Louisville, KY Assistant Director for Anne Bogart
Mann ist Mann by Bertolt Brecht; Encore Theatre Company – San Francisco, CA Terminal Hip by Mac Wellman; Intersection for the Arts – San Francisco, CA Parenthecide: Aversion by Rob Keefe; Encore Theatre Company – San Francisco, CA
Passion by Peter Nichols; Marin Theatre Co. (Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle Award) – SF, CA
Love’s Labours Lost; California Shakespeare Festival Institute – San Francisco, CA The Winter’s Tale; Califorrnia Shakespeare Festival Institute – San Francisco, CA Glengarry Glen Ross by David Mamet; Marin Theatre Co. – Marin, CA
Takeover by Bill Talen; Life on the Water – San Francisco, CA
Looking for Black Women on the Radio, by Bill Talen; Life on the Water – San Francisco, CA
No End of Blame by Howard Barker; Encore Theatre Co. – San Francisco, CA
Sus by Barrie Keefe; ACT Studio – San Francisco, CA
Project Director - West Coast Playwrights Festival – Mill Valley, CA
All Night Long by John O’Keefe; Encore Theatre Co. – San Francisco, CA
Sideshow by Sando Counts; Theatre Artaud – San Francisco, CA
La Ronde by Arthur Schnitzler; Encore Theatre Co. – San Francisco, CA
Opera Comique by Nagle Jackson, American Conservatory Theatre (asst. to Nagle Jackson)
The Bear by Anton Chekhov; Millyard Theatre Co. – Lowell, MA

University Theatre Credits
You Can’t Take it With You, Whitman College
Tales from the Panchatantra, original adaptation, Colgate University
Identity-in-Motion; City College, New York
Mother Courage by Bertolt Brecht - San Francisco State University
Dr. Faustus Lights the Lights by Gertrude Stein; University of California, Santa Cruz
Action by Sam Shephard; Tufts Arena Theatre

Rehab, original screenplay
Remoteness of the Goal, original video with Fifth Floor Company


Affiliations: A.F.T.R.A., S.A.G., A.E.A.

Nash Bridges                                        Policeman                                                            ABC
A Smile Like Yours (feature)                      Husband                                                            20th Century
The Man Next Store (feature)                 Paul                                                            ABC
Thrill (feature)                                                Rideman                          
NBC Stranger in the Family (feature) InternistABC

Lt. Tyler (recurring)
Midnight Caller
Crazy Like a Fox
Blood from a Stone (MTV)
Rathod Prod.

Industrials: Over 50 featured roles, including corporate training films and live tradeshows.
Commercials: Over a dozen national and regional featured roles.

BRACE UP!                                                                                                Kulygin

Dance Along the Precipice                                                         Alger Hiss

Lemon Sky                                                                               Alan

Mass Appeal                                                                             Mark Dolson
Private Lives                                                                             Victor
Passion Cycle                                                                           James
Christmas Carol                                                            Ensemble
Liliom  (studio)                                                             Liliom
The Merchant of Venice (studio)                                                                                              Bassanio
Heartbreak House (studio)                                                         Hector Hushabye
The Cherry Orchard (studio)                                                      Yasha

Road                                                                                        Award winning ensemble

The Sanctified Church                                                   Aaron
Apple Pie with George and Jane                                     Charlie Daniels

La Ronde                                                                                  Young Man
Saved                                                                                       Mike
Enemies                                                                                   Zakhar

St. Joan (w/ Courtney Vance)                                                                                              Warwick
Hamlet (w/ Henry Woronicz)                                                                                          Rosencrantz
Othello                                                                                              Lodovico
Much Ado About Nothing                                                         Francis

The Crucible                                                                             John Hale
Design For Living                                                                     Otto
The Merchant of Venice (w/Oliver Platt)                         Antonio
Loot                                                                                         Dennis
A Hatful of Rain                                                                       Chuch

New Mexico Humanities Council, Development Officer/Program Officer: Responsible for all grant writing and foundation, corporate and government funder relations for national theatre service organization with $1.3 million budget. Also direct mail campaign and special events assistant, corporate sponsorship campaign. Devised and produced podcast, Starting Conversations, interviewing a wide range of New Mexican artists, scholars, writers, and cultural workers.
Texas Tech College of Visual and Performing Arts, Collaboration Coordinator: Designed, implemented and managed interdisciplinary projects between the College and the rest of the university, the general Lubbock area, and the TTU Health Sciences Center. Included: after-school arts programming in the East Lubbock Promise Neighborhood, collaborations with TTUHSC, Arts in Medicine Research Program, NEA/CVPA Performance Arts Research Lab, TTU Veteran’s Office, and others. Grantwriting and reporting. Won $250,000 NEA Research Grant in 2018.

The Drama League, Development Officer: Responsible for all grant writing and foundation, corporate and government funder relations for national theatre service organization with $1.3 million budget. Also direct mail campaign and special events assistant, corporate sponsorship campaign

National Theatre Workshop of the Handicapped, Grants Manager: responsible for all grant- writing and foundation, corporate and government funder relations for organization with $2.2 million annual budget; $450,000 from foundations. Special events planning; general company communications; direct mail campaign.

Magic Theatre, Associate Artistic Director: Developed and directed projects for nationally- recognized theatre, managed new-play development program. Head of the literary committee and executive member of central artistic planning committee; awarded two commissions for original projects.

Partners for Democratic Change, San Francisco, Ca. Special Projects Coordinator (Independent Consultant): Served as production consultant, trainer for interactive trainings on conflict-resolution and cooperative planning techniques. Wrote and edited public relations materials and informational brochures. Assisted Chief Financial Officer with financial analysis, fundraising research and audit preparation.

The Fifth Floor Theatre Co., San Francisco, Ca and New York. Founder/Artistic Director: Developed, implemented and managed all artistic operations for Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle, Drama-Logue, and S.F. Bay Guardian Goldie award-winning theatre company. Responsible for play selection, casting and hiring all artistic and technical personnel, grantwriting, budget, press-relations, union contracts, events planning, fund-raising, venue rentals, insurance, etc. Produced six productions including several original company-generated multi-media performance installations.

Marvin Carlson, Professor, CUNY–
Jean Graham-Jones, Professor, CUNY –
David Willinger, Former chair, Theatre Dept., CCNY – Chuck Mee, writer -
Kim Whitener, Producing Director, HERE Arts Center, kim@here .org Norman Frisch, curator, Getty Museum –,

Highlights: Dissertation Committee
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